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Even the most "ordinary" moments of our lives are rich with meaning and joy.

Life can be a trickster - dangling bright promises and delivering heartache, exhaustion, and mountains of laundry.  If you've ever looked around at the crazy and thought "this is not how I imagined my life," then pull up a chair and let's talk!


With pen to paper, I've written my way through a lifetime of twists and turns, heroes and villains, dreams and despair, passion, and perplexity (oh so much perplexity!).


I've learned that the STORIES we tell matter.  My purpose is to help you find the  

Meaning in your own brave & beautiful story

joy gently calling you home to yourself 

love woven through every moment of your life. 

                                         (yes, even that one) 

I've been telling stories my whole life 

Hi, I'm Amy

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Some of my more elaborate stories got me in principal's-office-level trouble while others entertained me as a lonely kid growing up with cow pastures on three sides and a cornfield across the road. 


My own story began with a young woman weeping as she released her tiny baby girl to an unknown which felt safer than the known.  From that moment, I've lived through many chapters - adopting our own five spunky children, serious illness, debilitating depression, (don't worry, the story gets better!) remembering long-buried dreams, relocating to the mountains of New York, becoming an innkeeper, surviving teenagers, and now enjoying our thriving businesses, adorable grandchildren, more travel (yay!) and writing. 


Along the way, I've learned that the stories of my life (and yours) hold incredible beauty, mystery, and meaning.  You may feel that you live a very ordinary life, but if you read between the lines, you'll find the same mystery, courage, passion, and beauty that is woven through every great classic. Your story matters!

Healing Words

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